Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Parts : Whole [Opus 4]


An archetype is a typical example of a certain person or thing. In our current studio project, I began thinking about what kind of model I wanted to create by putting some of my ideas down on paper. Those original ideas, or the archetype of my final product, included black and white woven together and yarn as my linear object. After being told to think about the relationship between light versus darkness, the first thing I thought of was a sunrise versus a sunset; a sunrise leading towards light and a sunset leading towards darkness.

A prototype is the first model of something from which other forms are developed. This is the first model I made for this project, incorporating the woven black and white planes and blue yarn as my linear object.

A hybrid is something that is made by combining two different elements. These three models are the product of both my archetype and my original prototype. Combining elements from both of those, these three models are the culmination of the two ideas.

Another example of a hybrid is in the Roman order of columns, where "The Composite order combined elements of both the Ionic and Corinthian orders" (Blakemore, 52). Combining elements from both the Ionic and Corinthian orders, the Composite order is created as an order of its own. When I think of archetype:prototype:hybrid, I picture a design process, with the initial ideas being the archetype, the first model being the prototype, and the hybrid being another model that evolves from the prototype and includes elements from both the prototype and the archetype.


From the French word 'entourer,' meaning 'to surround,' an entourage is a group of people attending or surrounding an important person. Talking about entourage in our drawing class one day, our assignment was to draw the teaching assistants at the front of the room.

An entourage, however, is not only a group of people, but can be defined as any grouping that surrounds something important. The Greek landscape, for example, "is rough, a corrugated mass of limestone and marble mountain ridges extending into the sea like fingers, sheltering innumerable bays and coves" (Roth, 216). Roth illustrates how there are many different forms of entourage in different settings. An entourage, meaning a group of people or things, surrounds an important object or person and without it that important person or object would be less defined within a city.


A source is any person, place, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained from. According to Blakemore, "The interrelatedness of the influencing factors illustrated the dependence of Roman arts on the cultures of other races" (Blakemore, 47). Although the Romans are credited with having started and created many things, most of their arts were based upon outside sources.

Also in Rome, " textiles provided a source of inspiration for panel design. These were presented to conjunction with painted architectural structures and were sometimes centered with figures" (Blakemore, 59). During any design process, ideas are formed by looking at outside sources as a reference.


A hierarchy is a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

In ancient Egypt, "interior architectural detail and treatment of surfaces on the interior were regulated, in part, by the hierarchal status of the resident" (Blakemore, 9).

In Pompeii, the "houses represented largely middle to upper-class residents. In the cities, there were both luxurious town houses for those higher on the social scale and tenements for lower-class citizens" (Blakemore, 47). Hierarchy is important to keep in mind when working on a project as it reminds you of the purpose for the product and who it is being made for.


An order is the way in which something is arranged according to a specific sequence, pattern, or method.
The Romans, for example, "used orders and other architectural features for their decorative qualities - i.e. pilasters, broken pediments, freestanding column located in front of load-bearing walls, etc" (Blakemore, 52).


I feel that "Parts:Whole" is a good title for this week's set of words. To me, all of the words illustrate a design process that is still used today. When starting a project, the first thing anyone would do is look for influences from outside sources to start getting their ideas going. Once the designer has thought up some ideas for the project, they would use those 2D ideas, or archetypes, to create a 3D model, or a prototype. After discussing and critiquing the prototype model, one or two other models would be made, hybrids, that incorporate ideas from both the archetype and the prototype. While creating the final product, there are many other aspects the designer has to consider. The surrounding spaces of the final product, or the entourage, should be considered as well as the groupings of everything in and around the product. The pattern or sequence, or the order, that is incorporated within the project should be considered as well as the hierarchy, or the portrayal of status. All of these words together create a well-formulated process or system that is still being used in modern design.

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